Quincy Tea Party - Thank You!
Quincy Tea Party - Thank You!

Transparency, responsibility and accountability in government through education and proactive involvement.

Thank You!

Thank You!

The Quincy Tea Party and Re-Open Adams County want to thank our community for coming out on Saturday to celebrate our Nation’s 244th birthday!

We started planning the event about three weeks ago, so many thanks to the hard-working volunteers who made it happen!

In this COVID world we invited people to come with or without masks and encouraged social distancing. From where I was watching, I could also see many occupied vehicles lined up just about everywhere, as we encouraged them to watch from the safety of their vehicle.

The Street Fair (Re-Open Adams County) was a success for all who participated as vendors and buyers. The live music by ImpaKt was much enjoyed. Thank you, Roni Quinn, for pulling this all together!

Since we (Quincy Tea Party) did not get permission from the Park District to shoot the fireworks from Quinsippi Island, we had to shoot them from West Quincy. J&M Displays provided a great fireworks show for all to enjoy, even though the shoot site was almost a mile away. Thank you, John Hamann and crew, for helping us celebrate our Nation’s Independence in such a fitting way, as everyone I talked to really enjoyed the show! We felt it was very necessary to have some sort of normalcy in this upside-down world.

We also need to thank our sponsors for donating money and in-kind services for our celebration, specifically Missouri Ayerco for use of their property.

Thank you to Love's Me Photography for the photography.

In preparation for the event, I received many questions, as there seemed to be an effort to spread misinformation (There will be no 4th fireworks…). I am so glad that so many came out to celebrate America, the greatest country on earth!

Mecki Kosin

President, Quincy Tea Party

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