Quincy Tea Party - Reopen Adams County Rally
Quincy Tea Party - Reopen Adams County Rally

Transparency, responsibility and accountability in government through education and proactive involvement.

Reopen Adams County Rally

Reopen Adams County Rally

Adams County Patriots!

We’ve had ENOUGH!  It’s time to OPEN!

We've been working on a campaign to tell those in power that businesses all around us are failing and real people are hurting!

We are hosting an "Open Adams County" rally on Saturday, May 16th, (Noon) at Washington Park. We will be at the park holding signs (we're printing 150 if you need one). We have spoken with the Police Chief and we let him know that we don't want any political signs, just signs that support our local small businesses. We understand this is a political issue, but right now the business community needs us to fight for them to be OPEN!

Our elected REPRESENTATIVES don't want to listen to US? Let's make a little noise! We will be heard - We will do it politely, professionally, and do it Loud!

Stay tuned! Pray for this to END! Cherish your Family! Laugh a few times every day!

-Quincy TEA Party board





Frequently Asked Questions:

What can we expect?

On May 16th, 2020 a group of concerned citizens are gathering in Washington Park in Quincy, IL at Noon to tell our elected representatives that we are ready to open our local economy up and get everyone back to work. We’ll be exercising our first amendment rights to free speech, peacefully assemble, and petition the State’s forced closures on behalf of the citizens who are hurting economically and demanding we Open Adams Co ASAP! We’re asking those who are attending help us police ourselves, this rally needs to be focused on lifting up local small businesses & we know the media will always use negative propaganda to describe our actions so all media requests for interviews will be directed to Mecki Kosin. The Quincy TEA Party will host many more political events in the future (and we hope you join us), but this is about ALL JOBS being Essential! If that sounds good to you, please volunteer, donate, & share the message!

Can I bring my “Pritzker Sucks” sign?

We know emotions are high & the vast majority agree with that sign, but again we can’t stress enough that in our 10yrs, the Quincy Tea Party has learned that the media is not our friend (“We the People” refuse to play by their rules) and they’ll try to spin our message to divide us. We have to avoid giving them that opportunity. So, please leave any signs addressing politicians (Pritzker, Durbin, Trump, etc) in your vehicles. This rally is to show solidarity with local small businesses to OPEN, as many are fail every day from no fault of their own. We believe we can be effective & positive at the same time. We have many examples of signs that meet this goal, but we need VOLUNTEERS to make them.

What kind of flags are appropriate?

We do want Patriotic flags (American, Gadsden – Don’t Tread on Me, Appeal to Heaven, Join or Die, etc). Please leave any Confederate flags or any other controversial items the media can use against us at home.

Why is the Quincy Tea Party hosting it?

We saw a need, asked the local community, & based on the overwhelming response the decision was easy. We decided in the spirit of unity with the rest of the State’s OPEN ILLINOIS rallies in Chicago and Springfield to host it at the same date and time for those that couldn’t make it to the larger events. Either way, Let’s OPEN Illinois!

Please tag your Social Media posts with: #OpenAdamsCoIL #RightOnQ #ReOpenIllinois #ReOpenAmerica

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